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Both Visitor Center entrances now OPEN

Permitted Bus Parking

Permitted Bus, RV and Commercial Vehicle Parking

There are two designated areas that buses, RVs and commercial vehicles/trucks can park (during Park operating hours - 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.) with a valid Parking Permit acquired from the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department for $10:

If you choose to park in the Visitor Center Parking Lot, please be aware that bus, RV and commercial vehicle parking is limited to the areas and in the orientation shown on the map below — in the two bays of each lot farthest from the Visitor and Education Center and in an orientation perpendicular to the individual passenger vehicle parking spaces. Do NOT back-in or head-in park in the passenger vehicle parking spaces. 

If the two bays of the Visitor Center Parking Lot farthest from the Visitor and Education Center are full you must park at one of the other parking lot locations mentioned previously. 




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